Welcome! Here I am writing about and putting pictures of things that make me happy, mostly food as food makes me very happy :) ... food I have made, food I have bought, food I have seen, food I have eaten, and food I have not yet eaten but want to eat!

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Making OJ

My mum grow LOTS of fruit. It's awesome, I love going to visit and eating all the fruit... feijoas, passionfruit, strawberries, macademia nuts, tomatoes, persimmons, figs, all kinds of citrus.... yum.

Anyway, last time I visited it was well and truly citrus season. I think the fruit we used here was actually grapefruit and tangelo. We gathered up a big bucketful and set to work. Mum has an electric citrus juicer so it wasn't actually that much hard work, but I did have to wash all the fruit, and cut it, and hold it on the juicer while it did it's thing so it was rather time consuming. And I had to fish a few pips out of the juice.
Anyway, writing about juicing is not really very interesting! But I'm out of practice and I really like the photos so I've done it anyway! Hopefully my next offering will be somewhat more exciting :-P